Giving up your bed

Created by Abie 3 years ago

I used to work with Andrew at All Saints Peckham and got to know him, Susan and the kids through church. One evening they invited me round for dinner and there was a bed set up in their lounge. 
Susan told me that they had people staying and so the kids were expected to give up their beds and sleep in other places to make space for them. 

We laughed about how when we grew up we were both expected to do the same. If we had guests over, we'd end up sleeping on sofas or floors or squished up with siblings so that we could give up our bed to others. She said that Andrew had not been raised doing the same thing and so sometimes she would have to convince him to budge!

Susan was full of joy and laughter and had a full heart for hospitality.
I'm sure that giving up her bed was just one of the ways in which she made people feel at home. 

Abie x